Mad Tiger is now available to stream on Netflix in North America! Please add it to your queue, watch it, rate it, and tell your friends to check it out!
ArriNews Interviews Jonathan Yi for NAB 2015
If you're at NAB 2015, you can pick up the newest edition of ARRINews to read my thoughts on their just announced Anamorphic Ultra Wide Zoom lens!
BCA 2014 - Round 2
BCA 2014
BTS photos by Tahiti Huetter. Click the image below to see more.
Mindstorm 3D
I just wrapped my first 3D commercial. We used a dual Red Epic rig that weighed over 95 lbs! To make things even more challenging, the spot was completely handheld and each scene was accomplished in long single takes. Check out the BTS video here. It was a lot of fun.
30 For 30
Mounting Arri-S lenses to Ikonoskop
Now I can shoot with my Arri-S lenses on my Ikonoskop! Nostalgia to the max!
Ikonoskop with Metalander-Z
This is the camera I learned to shoot on. Now, thanks to NYU, it's mine to keep!